Thursday, May 5, 2011

On Things That Are Confessional

There are, occasionally, some things that I want to get off my chest. There are, occasionally, some things that other people would also like to get off their chests, however there is just...always something in the road. Perhaps you don't wish to burden people with your concerns or feelings. Maybe now just isn't the right time. Or it could just be that you fear the repercussions. I mean, I don't blame you for any of those things - I'm guilty of them myself, after all, and I certainly do my best to remain hypocrisy free. So I decided, a little while ago, to do a blog where I could let myself, and the people I know, just kind of...get stuff off their chests. Anonymously of course.

What follows, then, is a collection of random thoughts from myself and my friends, in no particular order. It's not just confessions, either - it's like a collage of thoughts, ideas, pictures, and everything. If you ever have a thought or something that you'd like added to the next post like this then please email it to me, and I'll be sure to include it in the next one of these that I do...That is, of course, assuming that this post is popular enough to generate those emails...But...whatever...

-- The Ten Commandments Need Asterisks For Extenuating Circumstances --

I still like to believe that Pluto is a planet

 I Love You
No Matter How Fucked You Think You Are

My thought is for everyone who takes themselves too seriously
Take a look at yourself and laugh at yourself,
Feel comfortable with yourself before you criticise others
Because only when you can laugh at yourself
Should you be able to laugh at others

I've Had Beethoven's 7th Running Through My Head Ever Since I Watched 'The King's Speech'

5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake
Makes 2
  • 4 Tblsp Flour
  • 5 Tblsp Sugar
  • 2 Tblsp Cocoa
  • 1 Tsp Baking Powder
  • Pinch Of Salt
  • 1 Egg
  • 3 Tblsp Milk
  • 3 Tblsp Oil
  • 3 Tblsp Chocolate Chips (Plus 2 Tblsp Extra)
  • Small Splash Vanilla Extract
  • 2 Microwave Safe Coffee Mugs
  1. This recipe makes two mug cakes and therefore is made in two separate mugs. You can mix the entire thing in the mugs and therefore avoid any extra dishes except for the egg which I whisk lightly in a bowl. Add dry ingredients to the mugs, and mix well ensuring the there is no flour stuck at the bottom.
  2. Pour in the milk, oil, chocolate chips or flakes and vanilla extract and mix well. Whisk egg lightly in a bowl and pour half of the egg in each mug and mix well. Add the extra tablespoonful of chocolate chips or flakes on top of the batter. Cover with glad wrap.
  3. Do one mug at a time. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 1 minute on medium heat. Then microwave for another 30 seconds on medium heat. Check on the consistency-it should be cooked but still moist and gooey. If it is still not cooked, microwave on another 30 seconds on medium heat. Remember, it will cook further on standing.
  4. Allow to cool a little and serve with ice cream.

A Favourite Quotation
Insanity: A Rational Adjustment To An Irrational World
-- R.D. Lang