Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On How Things Change

Sometimes, recently especially, I find it kind of difficult to be spontaneous in my blog posts. This has come about for a number of reasons - not least of all because I have been so very gosh darn busy lately. But still, I have been reminded of the fact that I owe some kind of debt of favour to the universe, and that my continuing existence appears to be contingent upon me delivering content to the world's fevered masses, and their increasing hunger for something thrown together with a loose train of thought. These reminders, coming to me in the form of (as I have said before) emails and IMs, had kicked me in the pants, and sent me into a writing frenzy for a week...But it was then that the business kicked in once more...And so I am writing this post to let you know that...

I'm not giving up.

No, I'm not leaving the blog business just yet, although I did think (briefly) about it. But the blog means something to me that it probably doesn't to you guys. For me, this is a way to allow me to process thoughts which would otherwise just float about in my head. As I sit here, mashing away at my keyboard like a spasmodic monkey, I think about stuff that I don't type about - thoughts about what I did on the weekend, or how I feel about various events flow through my mind and get neatly sorted into their correct place, so that I may address them later. Ideas for things I want to do - both related and completely non-sequitur - rampage through my mind so often that when I take the time out to put anything down here...well...they seem to calm. Sometimes a notion will fall forth from my head, and onto the page, and you'll get some pseudo-random linguistic nightmare that entertains and informs.

What I'm doing, instead of leaving, is changing the format of the blog. Making it a bit more predictable, as it were. Of course, we all know how well I stick to plans about this sort of thing. Remember "Fiction Friday"? Or how about those challenge posts? What about that list of 100 100 lists? Yeah, neither do I. And so, without further needless dancing about the point, I present to you the updated format for One Hundred Hundreds. Let me know what you think in the "Comments" section below.

On Mondays I shall be reviewing things. Many things. Varied things. The last Monday post I made was a review of the film Thor, and that is what inspired me to continue this trend. I really enjoyed writing my thoughts down about the film, and sharing them with the public, instead of just bouncing them about between my friends (as I would continue to do anyway.) Each Monday I'll tell you about a show I've been watching, a film I saw, a device I've tested, or any number of other things that I can try and convince you to do/see/hear/experience.

On Tuesdays (excepting today, of course) I shall be providing wisdom in the form of a weekly factoid. This might be a "Word of the Week" (which is what the idea was initially conceived from) or perhaps a mathematical curiosity. As long as it furthers your (so called) education, then you'll see it on a Tuesday. Perhaps I'll give you a piece of breaking news (or news from the distant past...) I could treat you to a geographic fact...The possibilities for me are virtually endless - Knowledge Is Power (and knowing is half the battle!)

On Wednesdays you'll be treated to a rant in the same fashion that I usually perform my posting obligation (well, I say obligation, I guess I'm not really obliged to post anything, though I really do enjoy doing it, and if I don't know what I enjoy, then I'll just become...some kind of...Boring McBorington or something...) I'll basically use this as a space to talk about whatever is on my mind at the time. It could be the fact that the automatic doors no longer open for me, or it might be the fact that I'm pretty sure space monkeys are secret trying to lure us to our doom using fantastic astronomical images. It probably won't make sense. But I'm sure that you've come to expect that from me, by now...

On Thursdays you'll be treated to an update of the adventures that I've been having with my friends. I have one that I've been saving up for this Thursday, where we bought some potentially mind-altering substances from ThinkGeek (all legal, duh) and performed a usually rudimentary action in a rather nifty way. Other than that I may tell you about our trips around the town, or whatever. It will be like that time I made up a story about my laundry, only better. Or not. Whatever.

Finally, on Fridays, I will provide you with some fiction (woah, deja vu...) This time, however, it will be the adventures of a character who I will be playing in Spud's D&D game soon - Holtarion Oaksbane (known usually just as Holt.) My current character in Spud's game (Tetch, an assassin...) is still going strong, so I won't be actually telling you anything of the events of that game until Holt steps in, rather I will be writing a series of diary entries leading up to his meeting the group, and replacing the dapper tengu Tetch. I hope that you enjoy them.

The moral of this story is that change can be quite scary. Change can, however, also be a mechanism for good. A tool that prevents stagnation, and stops me from going crazy...Crazy? I went crazy once. They locked me in a rubber room. I died. The buried me in the ground. Worms live in the ground. Worms like to eat dead things. So do rats. Rats! I hate rats!! They drive me crazy. Crazy? I went crazy once...


  1. I like the plan, but you and plans rarely stick (dont worry, we still love you). I am curious to see how long this one lasts :p

    Seriously though, (if that is possible) sounds like you have a bit of everything :)
