Tuesday, March 1, 2011

On Gifts From Bloggers, And Pursuits Most Trivial

A while ago, you may recall, I posted my address on my blog (I was talking about T-Mail, I believe...) until I became slightly paranoid that a complete nutter may find my address (not that I'm accusing any of you of being...well...complete nutters...) and redacted the information away. Then I kind of went back on my own little mental deal and said that if you e-mail me and asked I'd give you my address anyway. So I suppose the paranoia was for naught (although if you're going to hunt me down and stab me, I guess you'd find a way to do it anyway...)

Anyway, it turns out that it's not just LeakySpider who loves me enough to send me a care package. Indeed, and no. In fact, I have (today in fact) received a package all the way from Ireland! As I was walking out my door I was greeted with a package wedged  between my wooden main door, and the screen door (which, stalkers, I never lock.) I quickly grabbed the package and headed out into the rain to catch my bus - because late is late, after all - and after quickly jumping onto my public transport of choice I tore into the bag only to reveal, staring back at me, the most adorable stuffed toy raccoon I have ever seen!!


Seriously, though, how cute is that thing? I could just lie there cuddling it for hours and hours (and, indeed, I did - if you look at the picture below this paragraph.) The point to this little rant, and indeed the introduction to today's blog, is that I absolutely adore getting gifts from you guys. Whether it is a stack of CD's from LeakySpider, or a stuffed toy from Twilord, I love getting packages in the mail. So...surprise me people! Send me a thingy! Even just an e-mail itself would be nice from time-to-time...

AHH - I just want to snuggle you and snuggle you until I suffocate!!

Tonight is not all about snuggling plushie raccoon dolls, however. No. It is also about board games. I (and apparently Emma, Squiggles, and Andy) love board game nights - seriously, just because a game isn't electronic doesn't mean that it isn't purely made of traditional win. I mean, given tonight we are playing the electronic version of Trivial Pursuit, but that's beside the point - it would be just as amazing if we were using a traditional card based version of the game. Below, you can see the game board towards the end of the game. We have since finished play - Andy won (damn his eyes) but a great time was had by all.

I'm Blue, Emma Is Purple, Squiggles Is Green, And Andy Is Yellow...

At a later date we hope to play other games such as Cluedo, Monopoly, Rummikub, Kill Doctor Lucky, and the list just goes on and on and on (apparently ad infinitum, as I just recalled card based games such as Killer Bunnies and Munchkin, too...) It would be most rocking if Spud, Encey, Kylie, Elmo, et al could also join - and maybe...just maybe I could get SPG in on the action too. Because I'd like to include him in something. I like to include new people in things - it's what got Kylie involved so heavily in our group, and that was one of the best decisions I've made recently!

Anyway guys, I think I'll just leave it at a relatively short post for now, as I have lunch to cook (for tomorrow!) and a conversation to have with the reader who sent me my raccoon - can't leave my fans hanging after all.

Even Andy Isn't Particularly Impressed With How Much He Won By...

The moral of this story is that kindness and generosity pays off. If you send me something, I'll pay you special attention - and if you send me nothing then...well...you get nothing in return. Okay, that's a lie. I'll continue to give you wonderous and magical blog posts for absolutely nothing, and you shall (shall) continue to enjoy them. So here, have some love, and I am out.


  1. <3 aww I feel loved >.<

    We have actually already had marvellous nights of Rummikub and I am sure there will be many more!!

    Games are awesome - particularly classics. Card games are also full of win...

    I am tired and really not thinking clearly so this comment may make no sense.

  2. you know what i havent played in ages... UNO i actually quite like that game... we should ad that to the list of games to play... i believe i have a set around somewhere. :)
