Tuesday, December 7, 2010

9 Parts Inspiration

It has recently been discovered that there is very little difference, most often, between inspiring somebody to do something, and simply pestering them until they submit to your desire. Given my absolute raging infatuation with the scientific process, and ensuring things are "just so" you may well believe that this has actually been found during a long and needlessly drawn out study involving countless government grants and people in bitching white coats. If you'd like to verify, I suggest you check here.

So, assuming that you clicked that link, and didn't just skip over everything, I can say without spoiling anything that this is more of a personal discovery - something I have come to realise over the past few days as more and more of my friends start blogs of their own.

For me, blogging is a method of entertaining people - I write these things because I want to, of course, but my primary purpose in writing is to potentially brighten the day of someone else. If I am able to make one person smile through OHH, then I consider myself successful.

I have, in the past, tried many things in order to entertain people in various sectors of the community. I am a member of a radio-duo currently called Critical Hit (which was previously comprised of Josh and myself, but is now Spud and myself) however the show is currently on hiatus until Spud does his radio training and we get the proposal through. I've tried to write both fiction novels, as well as a series of mathematics books. I used to want to be a games developer, but then I realised that that life is just not for me.

It might seem, to the untrained observer, that what I really want to do with my life is bring joy and mirth to those around me - to everyone I can possibly affect. The untrained observer, of course, probably isn't aware that I would love to be a lecturer in mathematics, specially calculus and matrix algebra. My capacity to hurt, it would seem, is just as great as my capacity to heal (joy heals, right? I mean...That is its point yeah?)

Still, I love to believe that I'm able to overcome the great blob of wicked inside of me that is present inside all lovers of mathematics. Others have done it and lived to tell the tale - maybe I can be a force for good instead of evil...Or...Maybe...Just maybe...I could combine the two and become a force for neutrality! Yes...The wonder that is fiction writing combined with the pure malicious of pure mathematics...*finger tent of evil contemplation*

Math Fiction! Ho!!

The moral of this story is that, even though I like to think of myself as a "nice" person, my inherent capacity for evil cannot be ignored. Like it or not I am a mathematician, and I will always have the urge to solve an equation every now and then. Just count yourself lucky that I'm not tying you to something, whilst attempting to teach you how to integrate over the complex number system. My torture methods may not be orthodox, but by golly I'll stick to them...

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure that your obsession with mathematics is actually evil, merely nerdy...
